Thursday, December 22, 2016


Sleep: Dan got sick this week with a sore throat and so we had to sleep with the window closed for a few days... boy was I a grumpy bear. Sorry Dan! Glad he was able to kick his cold quickly and that I didn't get sick- that was a miracle in itself.

Symptoms: Besides being super moody and stressed... mmm don't think so :)

Food cravings: Chocolate... and naps. 

Food aversions: meh, not really.

How Big the Little Guy is: 2 1/4 pounds and 14.8 inches long, or the size of an eggplant!

What I miss: Sleeping however the heck I want!

What I'm loving: It's been freaking cold this week. And I'm loving that we don't have to pay for heat so I can stay as toasty warm as I want, and crack our window! I'm also appreciating feeling the little guy, there was a few days where he just wasn't moving much and it really bothered me!

What I'm looking forward to: I've been looking forward to Christmas since the first of October... and now that it's days away, I'm not as excited any more. Things with both of our families have been more stressful than ever before, and I am afraid it's not going to be much of a "holiday". BUT, this is our last Christmas in Logan, and our last Christmas just Dan and I-- so I'm going to try my darndest to make it a good despite all the other stress going on.

Best Moment this Week: I found a dress for $6 at the DI for Dan's sisters wedding and I was STOKED! It's been stressing me out so bad trying to find a dress in the perfect shade/color and that will fit over my belly, that wasn't hideous! Counting this as my Christmas miracle. Also, our Infant Safety class was good! I liked that we got some tips about car seats and things to look for before we have purchased one. We learned infant CPR and talked about ways to baby proof every room in the house- it was great!

Words of Wisdom: Live in a country that believes in maternity leave! I am trying not to be bitter that while 80% of the people at work have been off for days, I'm still here! I kind of hate that I have to save up all my leave for when the little guy gets here, when I really feel like I should be taking time where I can to enjoy our final weeks as a family of 2! What a sob story huh, first world problems much?! 

And now that you've suffered through all my whining, let's talk about one more time how GIANT this kids head is going to be with a daddy like this! #90'sbaby I love that big cheesy grin though!!!

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