Friday, December 23, 2016

My Tiny Boyfriend

I've been thinking a lot about all the reasons I'm excited to have a boy! My Pinterest board is convincing me that this is actually going to be a lot more fun that I first gave the situation credit for...

- The number #1 thing I'm most excited for is Dan to have his little buddy. A little guy to teach all his hobbies to and completely adore. It's going to melt my heart.

- I'm going to be in the best shape of my life chasing this kid around for the next 18 years of his life!

- Having a boy is going to get me out of my comfort zone on a WHOLE new level. I don't know about boy stuff or do boy things. I used to think that my high tolerance for action movies made me a pretty great wife, but I don't think that will cut with raising a boy! So my horizons will be expanded... like I might finally understand the difference between Marvel and Justice League... Harry Potter can count as a super hero right?!

- I'm going to have to mellow out. Boys are just messy and mischievous-- and I am going to have to let things go and stay calm when he does crazy things. I think that will be a great thing to help me keep a perspective of what really matters in life.

- Dan keeps telling me that boys just have a special bond with their mothers... I'm not sure I buy into that, but it's a nice thought I'll hold on to!

- I had the best guy friends in High School, I loved spending time with them! He'll just be like another tiny boyfriend for me to be best friends with while Dan is gone at work!

- I'll save money on clothes! Because I've only been tempted to buy like 2 things so far! But then boys are so messy and ruin their clothes so fast... so maybe I'll get to shop more! Hmm...

- I'm quite certain I'll be able to write a book, or at least a few good blog posts about all the crazy things this boy will do. I'm convinced that our kid is going to be just like "Spot" off the cute Disney/Pixar movie, The Good Dinosaur. He will be the most adorable thing I've ever laid eyes on, but such a handful that his cuteness is what will keep him alive until he can go to Kindergarten haha!


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