Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fifth Appointment: 27.5 weeks

Wednesday, December 14th @ 11:45am

Dan said after this appointment that he feels like they are a little pointless... I don't think I'd say that exactly, but I am definitely getting the vibe it's more for lab work than seeing the doctor at this point. I will gladly take any opportunity to hear little guys heartbeat and given an update on how things are progressing!

This appointment the doctor asked how I was doing with heartburn and sleep. I do have heartburn and I am not sleeping great, but what pregnant woman isn't?! He said I looked really good and not as miserable and sleep deprived as a lot of women are at this stage- glad I've fooled him! Makeup does wonders :)

When he went to check for the heartbeat, it took a minute longer than usual for him to find it. I had just felt little boy kicking 10 seconds before so I wasn't worried. But he ended up finding the heartbeat down on the lower left side of my tummy- which I don't even know what position this kid was in at that time for the heartbeat to be there! The doctor tried feeling for his head and said, "Well his head is definitely not in position, I can't tell where it is!" He assured me I still had plenty of time for baby boy to move around all he wanted before he needed to be in position for birth. He measured my belly again and said that I was just "a little bit ahead of schedule"... for some reason I feel like our doctor feels like he has to sugar coat things to not make me worry or overthink anything. So I didn't feel like I should press exactly what a "little bit" was, but he said that I'm not measuring as far ahead as last time. So whatever!

Also, I asked about back exercises to help my aching back, and ended up walking out with a pamphlet all about it! So I think at my next appointment, I'm going to ask for any and all pamphlets they've got! What other great stuff have I been missing out on!? I asked about my appetite diminishing and he said that I really didn't need to force myself to eat if I wasn't hungry, I could get away with just a few crackers just to make sure there was sugar going across the placenta. So that was good news! I also walked out with a breast pump prescription, so that's one less thing to worry about and I can hopefully get that crossed off my list of things to do before the baby comes.

This was our last 4 week appointment, from here on out we go in every 3 weeks, and I'm not sure how long that lasts. But I'm going to just keep enjoying our short and sweet appointments before things get invasive... I'm still not ready for that...

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