Friday, January 27, 2017


Friday, January 27th @ 11:15am

Well we've had every appointment on a Wednesday except for this one-- with Dan's school schedule this semester Friday's worked best... or so we thought! It took us almost an hour just to see the doctor this time, and the whole office was PACKED! Apparently Fridays around lunch is THE time to not go! Once we finally got in to see the Dr. he explained that they were so behind because a patient passed out during a procedure and set everything super behind. I had a little more sympathy once I knew some poor soul had passed out!

I've only gained 1 pound in the past 3 weeks! Which they said is totally great. It seems like it doesn't matter if I gain 1 pound, or 7 pounds between appointments, I'm always great! haha. This was my last non-invasive appointment. We're now going in every two weeks and from here on out, they will be checking my cervix! It's so weird to think that in two weeks I'll be 36 weeks pregnant! I just always felt like being in my final weeks was always so far away... and it is definitely not far away! TIME IS FLYING!

I told the Dr. my biggest complaint was just my back and sciatic nerve. He then took me by total surprise and told me to lay flat on my back and he was going to try something. I laid flat on the table, he had me put my arms behind my neck, and then proceeded to pull my left shoulder towards my right hip-- and the did the opposite and pulled my right shoulder towards my left hip. I am not even exaggerating when I say my back popped 18 times! FROM TOP TO BOTTOM! It was crazy! I didn't even know my back could pop like that! It didn't hurt, but I don't think I can say that I felt this instant relief either... I was in shock about my body being twisted and popped in a way it never had before! My Dr. was like "YOU ARE SO TIGHT! You need to be doing stretches every day!" So I guess I'll be doing that now!

We also got to hear baby boy's heartbeat and he wasn't afraid to do lots of moving around while the doctor was measuring my stomach. The Dr. said that my stomach was super tight as well, it just felt solid while he measured me. But he said I'd have to keep stretching because I've still got 6 weeks to go! Oh boy.

I was very thankful for some hands on assistance during this appointment! Definitely an appointment I won't forget.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week 33: SNOW DAY!

Sleep: For some reason I discovered that sleeping without my snoogle, I sleep better! At least for now! I think I feel too confined... sleeping on the left side of Dan is the way I sleep the best, and only the left side. We took the best nap this week... 90 minutes of bliss. I can't remember the last time I had a nap!

Symptoms: My belly is feeling S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D! Little guy is physically stretching his little body out all the time and it's the weirdest feeling!  

Food Cravings: Juice, chocolate, Shephards's Pie... yup :) OH and pancakes... I've wanted chocolate chip pancakes for dayzzz now!

Food Aversions: Still can't think about taco seasoning, and for some reason eggs have sounded terrible this week. 

How Big the Little Guy is: A little over 4 pounds and 17 inches long, or the size of a pineapple!

The Size of My Belly: 42 inches!

What I Miss: I'm feeling my energy levels going down, so I miss my 2nd trimester energy! I'm so glad we got so much done to prepare for baby boy before this part of pregnancy kicked in-- the large and tired phase!

What I'm Loving: Obviously my new found way of sleeping. And naps. And juice. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: We had our parenting class that taught about reading babies cues/cries, and a pediatrician came in and talked to us about infant health for the second half of the class. I didn't love this pediatrician, but it's definitely made me interested in doing a meet and greet with the pediatrician we have been planning to see. Personality is such a big part of a doctor's care! And I need a pediatrician I can mesh with. So I'm looking forward to sorting that out. Also, I've got some baby showers on the calendar for next month!

Best Moment this Week: Due to the MASSIVE amount of snow over the last weekend, USU was CLOSED on Monday! I got a paid day off that wasn't a holiday! All of Dan's classes were cancelled, and so was his work. So we got an extra day! Twas so lovely. Pregnancy miracle I tell you! We went out to lunch with the Wouden clan, and then we got to watch the Nickelodeon movie, "Snow Day" on Netflix. 

Also, I have utterly refused to drive Dan's truck for over 2 years... I had a bad experience in Summer 2015 and just avoided driving a stick shift since! Well this week, I had no way to get out of it and had to drive Dan's truck the day after the massive snow storm-- I didn't kill it once, or kill myself, or kill anyone else! Quite a feat for a pregnant woman if I do say so myself. 

Words of Wisdom: So I did a bunch of research this week (okay I watched hours of YouTube videos) on natural birth! The best one's I found were through the Utah Birth Center on how to be a support birth partner. Here's the link: How to be a Great Birth Partner Part 1  There are 3 parts, but you can skip through the last part of Part 2! Also, I really loved this cute girls perspective and take: Natural Birth: How to Have a Baby With Out an Epidural

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Week 32: Sleeping in Heavenly Peace

Sleep: Better, much better. I am a whole new person from last week I feel like! This was our life for 10 days and as much fun as it was, we're glad to be back to normal over here!

Symptoms: I can definitely feel that I'm more hormonal... I can tell I'm not quite as rational as I usually am! Lots and lots of kicking/rolling from little guy! 

Food Cravings: Fruit! Bananas and blackberries and halos, oh my!

Food Aversions: Why does healthy food never sound good...??? ha ha

How Big the Little Guy is: 3 3/4 pounds + 16.7 inches long, or the size of a jicama!

The Size of My Belly: 42.5 inches! And with the round ligament pain that came back a bit this week, I'm not surprised! This boy is growing, growing!

What I Miss: Nothing really this week, I'm just so thankful to have life back in order I want for nothing!

What I'm Loving: Going to bed early! I'm losing my ability to sleep in (say what?!) and the only way I can stay caught up on my sleep is to try and be in bed by 9pm. Also, Dan. I'm really loving Dan more than ever. It's hard not being able to help move heavy things, or reach my feet, or get up from a low seat without a little help. I'm so thankful for all his help- which he's having to give me constantly!

What I'm Looking Forward To: For Christmas, Dan and I got a certificate for a couples massage (mine of course a prenatal massage) and I am thinking that sounds pretty dang good about now... I was thinking we'd try to hold off until Valentine's Day, but I might be too excited to wait!

Best Moment this Week: Having Monday off of work! We got our room put back together and are sleeping in our bedroom, the carpets in our apartment are clean, life is good again. Dan is the best freaking husband a girl could ask for. He's been so patient, and so helpful. I couldn't have made it this far without him!

Words of Wisdom: Dan and I have been reading the book, "Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child" by John Gottman and really loving it! I'd highly recommend it! I feel like I should be reading 2 hours a day at least to get through all the things I want to read. Not gonna happen, but a little every day makes me feel good!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Week 31: The Week of the Titanic

Sleep: What is that? I can't remember the last time I got a full nights sleep... and it's not because I can't sleep- it's because our lives have been SO crazy I can't find enough time to sleep. So as you can imagine, I'm extra pleasant to be around :) I'm exhausted.

Symptoms: I'm feeling more hormonal... like I've wanted to cry over something stupid every day this week. But part of me thinks that I'm rightly justified be hormonal after the never ending problems we've been dealing with this week...

Food cravings: Cottage cheese and Ruffles Cheddar + Sour Cream chips! YUM!

Food aversions: I made enchiladas, and the taste of the sauce was rancid. Like I spit my bite back out of my mouth it was so bad. So someday I hope I can eat Mexican food again...

How Big the Little Guy is: 3 1/3 pounds and 16 inches long, or the size of a coconut

The Size of My Belly: Didn't change from last week, still at 41.5 inches around! 

What I miss: So many things causing me stress this last week have been completely out of my control... and that's hard for me. Our little apartment is my sanctuary, and with its current condition of everything everywhere and not knowing when we'll get our bedroom back, I've been miserable soul! I want my refuge back!

What I'm loving: We went to our "Art of Relaxation Class" this week which was 2 hours of giving each other all different kinds of massages. TWAS WONDERFUL!  I'm also loving that my husband can fix all my phone problems and keep me from going insane. I'm loving that our baby is putting on more weight and that when I lay in bed every night, we can just watch my belly go CRAZY!

What I'm looking forward to: More new episodes of Sherlock! A three day weekend! Getting my life back in order! Sleeping in a bedroom! More baby classes this month! 

Best Moment this Week: Well... let's see... you mean after our bedroom floor has been flooded for a solid week and we've been sleeping on a mattress in our living room... or after I got a new phone and have literally spent 8 hours trying to get my contacts to show up on my new phone... or after I spent my whole weekend doing wedding stuff and exhausting myself to tears for the next week... it's just so hard to choose from! This week has been SO hard for me. I've been a hot mess. With our room flooding and me feeling like the size of an iceberg, I've declared this the week of Titanic. I really think that once I can sleep all weekend, I'll be in ship-shape (hopefully not titanic ship shape....)

Words of Wisdom:  I figured out where my sciatic nerve is this week... haha! And boy is it sore! Rubbing my lower back and that nerve before I go to bed has helped me not have restless legs as much at night. I also have decided that leggings from Motherhood Maternity are AMAZING and the only thing I'd recommend buying from there! And I bought some super clearance dresses from PinkBlush Maternity- I fully plan to wear those at least once a week. They are so comfortable and pretty much like wearing a nightgown in public... BLISS!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Week 30: Large and In Charge

Sleep: Much better than my 4:30am wake up calls last week! I have gotten pretty lazy about sleeping on my side, I'm just too tired to care!

Symptoms: Kicks, kicks, and more kicks! He's still little enough that it's not painful, just fun and exciting! Also, I definitely am feeling the belly more than ever... putting my socks on is THE WORST. When I have to bend over to pick something up, I have to do the ballet plie to get me knees around my belly enough to reach the ground... it's a good time! Definitely feeling LARGE! Also, restless legs! Didn't truly understand that until this last week or so. 

Food cravings: I'm not sure I've craved much this week... I've been pretty preoccupied with a few other things...

Food aversions: Taco seasoning... heartburn for days... I will never be the same...

How Big the Little Guy is: 3 pounds and about 15.7 inches, or the size of a large cabbage!

The Size of My Belly: This is a new thing I'm trying my last ten weeks thanks to a suggestion by my friend Lisa Robison, measuring the roundest part of my belly each week to see how much I grow. This week, 41.5 inches!

What I miss: My brother Garet is the brother just younger than me... and we've become really close in the past few years. I'm so proud of him because he got into PA school out in New Hampshire! Well, I've been dreading him leaving for about 6 weeks now... and he left this week with no return flight. I may or may not have cried in the car on the way home for like 20-30 minutes. Garet is also born in March, so I'm sort of expecting our baby boy to have this instant favoritism for Garet. Hopefully he'll be back in May when we bless baby boy! Because I can't imagine him not being there!

What I'm loving: My dearest mother bought me a belly band! I've been wearing it for almost a week now, trying anything to help my belly not feel so heavy! So far, I'm a fan! I can't say it's an extremely noticeable difference, but my back has been hurting a heck of a lot less!

What I'm looking forward to: Well we have 3 different baby classes this month which I'm excited for! I want to learn all I can without feeling like I'm drinking from a fire hose. I also am looking forward to my sister-in-laws wedding being over... it has been SO stressful for our family, and for us personally. 

Best Moment this Week: We got a LOT done this week! We washed all the walls of our apartment which I've been dying to do. We got our dresser/changing table finished-- Dan totally gets all the credit for this! He came up with the idea to stain the top dark and I was skeptical at first, but LOVE how it turned out. I'm so mad we didn't take a before picture, but it was just all that yellow pine wood color. We found it on KSL for $30 and it was a DREAM! We wanted a tall dresser so we wouldn't have to bend over to change him, and it's THE PERFECT HEIGHT! It has this cute bead board detailing on the sides, and came with handles we loved! It was my Christmas miracle. 

We also found a lazy boy recliner on KSL that is big enough to fit Dan for only $100! We've been looking forever, and I was super skeptical about buying a used chair... You just never know where other peoples things have been you know?! Anyways, another MIRACLE! We went to check out this chair and it was the sweetest retired couple EVER, and they were neat freak, OCD, immaculate garage that's nicer than anywhere I've ever lived kind of people. The chair was in perfect condition, great color, best purchase ever! And I have no worries about it being completely clean and safe. Our friends Taylor and Rachel Vance told us that they bought a nice recliner chair for their nursery because they wanted something super comfortable to sit in during those late nights... Dan and I couldn't get past how genius of an idea that was. So thanks to the Vance's for sparing us from long nights in a hard rocking chair or glider! And as if that wasn't enough, we (DAN, ALL DAN!) got our pack n' play, with the bouncer chair and changing pad all set up too! I'm feeling so much better now that we've made some big dents in the material side of our baby preparation!

Words of Wisdom: This is going to be so random, but I'm completely serious. To add to my stress this week, we found out a family member has Hepatitis A... and there was a dang good chance that Dan and I could have contracted it. I was sooooo angry, I was so upset, I was so freaked out. I was on the phone with the Bear River Health Department, and Salt Lake Health Department for an hour and a half, trying to find somewhere that had immunoglobulin shots for Hepatitis A. I didn't have my immunization record, and had to wait for 5 hours for my mom to get home from work and find the paper copy of my records to know if I had been vaccinated against it or not. That 5 hours was torture. I was thinking about how I'd never be able to breastfeed, about how I was going to be super sick during my few months of motherhood, about how I could have given it to so many people too.. I was just sick inside. I was so angry. 

THANKFULLY, I was vaccinated in high school and so was Dan. We are safe and our baby is too. So PLEASE, if you haven't had your Hepatitis A shots, GET THEM NOW! I've never been so grateful for modern medicine, and that I've been vaccinated. Hepatitis A vaccinations were not available until 1995, so there are unfortunately SO many people that haven't had the Hep A shots. So just go get them!

Okay... weird rant over! We had a great new years and I hope you did too!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Sixth Appointment: 30.5 Weeks

Wednesday, January 4th @ 11:00am

This was probably the longest time we've had to wait, and it was still less than 10 minutes! They are so good at being on time which I totally appreciate! Today was the most epic snow storm Logan has had in like 10 years or something... so the roads were crazy! But Big Blue, Dan's hunk of junk truck, got us through no problem!

So my weight keeps going up! And he keeps telling me I'm right on track, so I'm trying not to be freaked out about it! I have already gained 20 pounds and I still have like 9.5 weeks to go! So whatever. As long as he keeps using the word perfect to describe my weight gain, I'll keep not caring haha!

We found little guys heartbeat much easier this time. And he is head down! He let Dan come over and feel where his head was, which was not very comfortable for me to be poked like that, but very cool that Dan got to feel his little (or not so little) head. Our visit was very quick. He pretty much said that once I'm 35 weeks, things will start getting invasive at our appointments so I'm just enjoying my quick in and out appointments!

One thing that was different this time, was that I have developed a lump in my armpit. I figured it probably had something to do with breastfeeding and glands or something. I had the doc check it out and he said it probably wasn't cancer, and just a swollen lymphnode.... well of course any time a doctor uses the "C" word, and "probably not"... I'm probably just going to get it checked anyway! So we went back in the next day for an ultrasound of my underarm (so lame! just sneak me a peek of the baby!) and they confirmed it was no big deal. So that was good news!

After our appointment, Dan couldn't resist all the parking lots full of snow so we went and did a few doughnuts :)

Monday, January 2, 2017

2017- Come What May + Love It

It's pretty crazy to think that 2017 is probably going to be one of the biggest years of our married life! We're having a baby (WHOA!), Dan will finish a Master's Degree (never saw this coming), we'll leave Logan (SWEET FREEDOM!), we'll be in the market for jobs (fingers crossed!)... we're pretty much taking adulting to the next 3 levels... all at once!


It almost seems crazy to set new years goals with all the changes and goals we'll be meeting- but I think I benefit so much from goal setting! So here's the BIG SIX:

#1- My Theme: Come what may and love it. I literally have no idea how I'll handle the post partum part of being a mom, I have no idea where we'll be living, I honestly can't even imagine what my life will look like this next year. So come what may and love it. It's all going to work out. It always does.

#2- Take this baby everywhere. Don't stop doing things and never leave the house because it's harder with a baby! Be flexible!

#3- Keep dating my love. One thing I've been so worried about with having a baby is that Dan and I will lose everything we worked for in our relationship. So we're going to keep going out and growing and laughing and playing!

#4- I've been pretty bad at initiating friendships; I've gotten shy and a bit antisocial in my old age. haha. So that's something I want to work on is throwing out the expectation of "they should say hi first!"

#5- Find my thing. I'm going to need a stress relief, a hobby, a passion- that's just for me more than ever with all that's coming full speed ahead. My dearest friend Kalie has been adjusting to stay at home mom life and taken up watercolor... SO COOL! I want to be like that! I think it's so important!

#6- And of course, typical cliche new years goal. Take better care of my body! Not lose weight, not fit into a certain size, but take care of my body through an enjoyable exercise and eating less junk food. I am going to need all the energy I can get to keep up with my boys!

Six goals, six worded theme.  So with that being said, Happy New Year! May your goals be cheery and a fight!