Friday, January 27, 2017


Friday, January 27th @ 11:15am

Well we've had every appointment on a Wednesday except for this one-- with Dan's school schedule this semester Friday's worked best... or so we thought! It took us almost an hour just to see the doctor this time, and the whole office was PACKED! Apparently Fridays around lunch is THE time to not go! Once we finally got in to see the Dr. he explained that they were so behind because a patient passed out during a procedure and set everything super behind. I had a little more sympathy once I knew some poor soul had passed out!

I've only gained 1 pound in the past 3 weeks! Which they said is totally great. It seems like it doesn't matter if I gain 1 pound, or 7 pounds between appointments, I'm always great! haha. This was my last non-invasive appointment. We're now going in every two weeks and from here on out, they will be checking my cervix! It's so weird to think that in two weeks I'll be 36 weeks pregnant! I just always felt like being in my final weeks was always so far away... and it is definitely not far away! TIME IS FLYING!

I told the Dr. my biggest complaint was just my back and sciatic nerve. He then took me by total surprise and told me to lay flat on my back and he was going to try something. I laid flat on the table, he had me put my arms behind my neck, and then proceeded to pull my left shoulder towards my right hip-- and the did the opposite and pulled my right shoulder towards my left hip. I am not even exaggerating when I say my back popped 18 times! FROM TOP TO BOTTOM! It was crazy! I didn't even know my back could pop like that! It didn't hurt, but I don't think I can say that I felt this instant relief either... I was in shock about my body being twisted and popped in a way it never had before! My Dr. was like "YOU ARE SO TIGHT! You need to be doing stretches every day!" So I guess I'll be doing that now!

We also got to hear baby boy's heartbeat and he wasn't afraid to do lots of moving around while the doctor was measuring my stomach. The Dr. said that my stomach was super tight as well, it just felt solid while he measured me. But he said I'd have to keep stretching because I've still got 6 weeks to go! Oh boy.

I was very thankful for some hands on assistance during this appointment! Definitely an appointment I won't forget.

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