Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Sixth Appointment: 30.5 Weeks

Wednesday, January 4th @ 11:00am

This was probably the longest time we've had to wait, and it was still less than 10 minutes! They are so good at being on time which I totally appreciate! Today was the most epic snow storm Logan has had in like 10 years or something... so the roads were crazy! But Big Blue, Dan's hunk of junk truck, got us through no problem!

So my weight keeps going up! And he keeps telling me I'm right on track, so I'm trying not to be freaked out about it! I have already gained 20 pounds and I still have like 9.5 weeks to go! So whatever. As long as he keeps using the word perfect to describe my weight gain, I'll keep not caring haha!

We found little guys heartbeat much easier this time. And he is head down! He let Dan come over and feel where his head was, which was not very comfortable for me to be poked like that, but very cool that Dan got to feel his little (or not so little) head. Our visit was very quick. He pretty much said that once I'm 35 weeks, things will start getting invasive at our appointments so I'm just enjoying my quick in and out appointments!

One thing that was different this time, was that I have developed a lump in my armpit. I figured it probably had something to do with breastfeeding and glands or something. I had the doc check it out and he said it probably wasn't cancer, and just a swollen lymphnode.... well of course any time a doctor uses the "C" word, and "probably not"... I'm probably just going to get it checked anyway! So we went back in the next day for an ultrasound of my underarm (so lame! just sneak me a peek of the baby!) and they confirmed it was no big deal. So that was good news!

After our appointment, Dan couldn't resist all the parking lots full of snow so we went and did a few doughnuts :)

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