Thursday, January 12, 2017

Week 31: The Week of the Titanic

Sleep: What is that? I can't remember the last time I got a full nights sleep... and it's not because I can't sleep- it's because our lives have been SO crazy I can't find enough time to sleep. So as you can imagine, I'm extra pleasant to be around :) I'm exhausted.

Symptoms: I'm feeling more hormonal... like I've wanted to cry over something stupid every day this week. But part of me thinks that I'm rightly justified be hormonal after the never ending problems we've been dealing with this week...

Food cravings: Cottage cheese and Ruffles Cheddar + Sour Cream chips! YUM!

Food aversions: I made enchiladas, and the taste of the sauce was rancid. Like I spit my bite back out of my mouth it was so bad. So someday I hope I can eat Mexican food again...

How Big the Little Guy is: 3 1/3 pounds and 16 inches long, or the size of a coconut

The Size of My Belly: Didn't change from last week, still at 41.5 inches around! 

What I miss: So many things causing me stress this last week have been completely out of my control... and that's hard for me. Our little apartment is my sanctuary, and with its current condition of everything everywhere and not knowing when we'll get our bedroom back, I've been miserable soul! I want my refuge back!

What I'm loving: We went to our "Art of Relaxation Class" this week which was 2 hours of giving each other all different kinds of massages. TWAS WONDERFUL!  I'm also loving that my husband can fix all my phone problems and keep me from going insane. I'm loving that our baby is putting on more weight and that when I lay in bed every night, we can just watch my belly go CRAZY!

What I'm looking forward to: More new episodes of Sherlock! A three day weekend! Getting my life back in order! Sleeping in a bedroom! More baby classes this month! 

Best Moment this Week: Well... let's see... you mean after our bedroom floor has been flooded for a solid week and we've been sleeping on a mattress in our living room... or after I got a new phone and have literally spent 8 hours trying to get my contacts to show up on my new phone... or after I spent my whole weekend doing wedding stuff and exhausting myself to tears for the next week... it's just so hard to choose from! This week has been SO hard for me. I've been a hot mess. With our room flooding and me feeling like the size of an iceberg, I've declared this the week of Titanic. I really think that once I can sleep all weekend, I'll be in ship-shape (hopefully not titanic ship shape....)

Words of Wisdom:  I figured out where my sciatic nerve is this week... haha! And boy is it sore! Rubbing my lower back and that nerve before I go to bed has helped me not have restless legs as much at night. I also have decided that leggings from Motherhood Maternity are AMAZING and the only thing I'd recommend buying from there! And I bought some super clearance dresses from PinkBlush Maternity- I fully plan to wear those at least once a week. They are so comfortable and pretty much like wearing a nightgown in public... BLISS!

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