Thursday, January 19, 2017

Week 32: Sleeping in Heavenly Peace

Sleep: Better, much better. I am a whole new person from last week I feel like! This was our life for 10 days and as much fun as it was, we're glad to be back to normal over here!

Symptoms: I can definitely feel that I'm more hormonal... I can tell I'm not quite as rational as I usually am! Lots and lots of kicking/rolling from little guy! 

Food Cravings: Fruit! Bananas and blackberries and halos, oh my!

Food Aversions: Why does healthy food never sound good...??? ha ha

How Big the Little Guy is: 3 3/4 pounds + 16.7 inches long, or the size of a jicama!

The Size of My Belly: 42.5 inches! And with the round ligament pain that came back a bit this week, I'm not surprised! This boy is growing, growing!

What I Miss: Nothing really this week, I'm just so thankful to have life back in order I want for nothing!

What I'm Loving: Going to bed early! I'm losing my ability to sleep in (say what?!) and the only way I can stay caught up on my sleep is to try and be in bed by 9pm. Also, Dan. I'm really loving Dan more than ever. It's hard not being able to help move heavy things, or reach my feet, or get up from a low seat without a little help. I'm so thankful for all his help- which he's having to give me constantly!

What I'm Looking Forward To: For Christmas, Dan and I got a certificate for a couples massage (mine of course a prenatal massage) and I am thinking that sounds pretty dang good about now... I was thinking we'd try to hold off until Valentine's Day, but I might be too excited to wait!

Best Moment this Week: Having Monday off of work! We got our room put back together and are sleeping in our bedroom, the carpets in our apartment are clean, life is good again. Dan is the best freaking husband a girl could ask for. He's been so patient, and so helpful. I couldn't have made it this far without him!

Words of Wisdom: Dan and I have been reading the book, "Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child" by John Gottman and really loving it! I'd highly recommend it! I feel like I should be reading 2 hours a day at least to get through all the things I want to read. Not gonna happen, but a little every day makes me feel good!

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