Monday, January 2, 2017

2017- Come What May + Love It

It's pretty crazy to think that 2017 is probably going to be one of the biggest years of our married life! We're having a baby (WHOA!), Dan will finish a Master's Degree (never saw this coming), we'll leave Logan (SWEET FREEDOM!), we'll be in the market for jobs (fingers crossed!)... we're pretty much taking adulting to the next 3 levels... all at once!


It almost seems crazy to set new years goals with all the changes and goals we'll be meeting- but I think I benefit so much from goal setting! So here's the BIG SIX:

#1- My Theme: Come what may and love it. I literally have no idea how I'll handle the post partum part of being a mom, I have no idea where we'll be living, I honestly can't even imagine what my life will look like this next year. So come what may and love it. It's all going to work out. It always does.

#2- Take this baby everywhere. Don't stop doing things and never leave the house because it's harder with a baby! Be flexible!

#3- Keep dating my love. One thing I've been so worried about with having a baby is that Dan and I will lose everything we worked for in our relationship. So we're going to keep going out and growing and laughing and playing!

#4- I've been pretty bad at initiating friendships; I've gotten shy and a bit antisocial in my old age. haha. So that's something I want to work on is throwing out the expectation of "they should say hi first!"

#5- Find my thing. I'm going to need a stress relief, a hobby, a passion- that's just for me more than ever with all that's coming full speed ahead. My dearest friend Kalie has been adjusting to stay at home mom life and taken up watercolor... SO COOL! I want to be like that! I think it's so important!

#6- And of course, typical cliche new years goal. Take better care of my body! Not lose weight, not fit into a certain size, but take care of my body through an enjoyable exercise and eating less junk food. I am going to need all the energy I can get to keep up with my boys!

Six goals, six worded theme.  So with that being said, Happy New Year! May your goals be cheery and a fight!

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