Thursday, January 5, 2017

Week 30: Large and In Charge

Sleep: Much better than my 4:30am wake up calls last week! I have gotten pretty lazy about sleeping on my side, I'm just too tired to care!

Symptoms: Kicks, kicks, and more kicks! He's still little enough that it's not painful, just fun and exciting! Also, I definitely am feeling the belly more than ever... putting my socks on is THE WORST. When I have to bend over to pick something up, I have to do the ballet plie to get me knees around my belly enough to reach the ground... it's a good time! Definitely feeling LARGE! Also, restless legs! Didn't truly understand that until this last week or so. 

Food cravings: I'm not sure I've craved much this week... I've been pretty preoccupied with a few other things...

Food aversions: Taco seasoning... heartburn for days... I will never be the same...

How Big the Little Guy is: 3 pounds and about 15.7 inches, or the size of a large cabbage!

The Size of My Belly: This is a new thing I'm trying my last ten weeks thanks to a suggestion by my friend Lisa Robison, measuring the roundest part of my belly each week to see how much I grow. This week, 41.5 inches!

What I miss: My brother Garet is the brother just younger than me... and we've become really close in the past few years. I'm so proud of him because he got into PA school out in New Hampshire! Well, I've been dreading him leaving for about 6 weeks now... and he left this week with no return flight. I may or may not have cried in the car on the way home for like 20-30 minutes. Garet is also born in March, so I'm sort of expecting our baby boy to have this instant favoritism for Garet. Hopefully he'll be back in May when we bless baby boy! Because I can't imagine him not being there!

What I'm loving: My dearest mother bought me a belly band! I've been wearing it for almost a week now, trying anything to help my belly not feel so heavy! So far, I'm a fan! I can't say it's an extremely noticeable difference, but my back has been hurting a heck of a lot less!

What I'm looking forward to: Well we have 3 different baby classes this month which I'm excited for! I want to learn all I can without feeling like I'm drinking from a fire hose. I also am looking forward to my sister-in-laws wedding being over... it has been SO stressful for our family, and for us personally. 

Best Moment this Week: We got a LOT done this week! We washed all the walls of our apartment which I've been dying to do. We got our dresser/changing table finished-- Dan totally gets all the credit for this! He came up with the idea to stain the top dark and I was skeptical at first, but LOVE how it turned out. I'm so mad we didn't take a before picture, but it was just all that yellow pine wood color. We found it on KSL for $30 and it was a DREAM! We wanted a tall dresser so we wouldn't have to bend over to change him, and it's THE PERFECT HEIGHT! It has this cute bead board detailing on the sides, and came with handles we loved! It was my Christmas miracle. 

We also found a lazy boy recliner on KSL that is big enough to fit Dan for only $100! We've been looking forever, and I was super skeptical about buying a used chair... You just never know where other peoples things have been you know?! Anyways, another MIRACLE! We went to check out this chair and it was the sweetest retired couple EVER, and they were neat freak, OCD, immaculate garage that's nicer than anywhere I've ever lived kind of people. The chair was in perfect condition, great color, best purchase ever! And I have no worries about it being completely clean and safe. Our friends Taylor and Rachel Vance told us that they bought a nice recliner chair for their nursery because they wanted something super comfortable to sit in during those late nights... Dan and I couldn't get past how genius of an idea that was. So thanks to the Vance's for sparing us from long nights in a hard rocking chair or glider! And as if that wasn't enough, we (DAN, ALL DAN!) got our pack n' play, with the bouncer chair and changing pad all set up too! I'm feeling so much better now that we've made some big dents in the material side of our baby preparation!

Words of Wisdom: This is going to be so random, but I'm completely serious. To add to my stress this week, we found out a family member has Hepatitis A... and there was a dang good chance that Dan and I could have contracted it. I was sooooo angry, I was so upset, I was so freaked out. I was on the phone with the Bear River Health Department, and Salt Lake Health Department for an hour and a half, trying to find somewhere that had immunoglobulin shots for Hepatitis A. I didn't have my immunization record, and had to wait for 5 hours for my mom to get home from work and find the paper copy of my records to know if I had been vaccinated against it or not. That 5 hours was torture. I was thinking about how I'd never be able to breastfeed, about how I was going to be super sick during my few months of motherhood, about how I could have given it to so many people too.. I was just sick inside. I was so angry. 

THANKFULLY, I was vaccinated in high school and so was Dan. We are safe and our baby is too. So PLEASE, if you haven't had your Hepatitis A shots, GET THEM NOW! I've never been so grateful for modern medicine, and that I've been vaccinated. Hepatitis A vaccinations were not available until 1995, so there are unfortunately SO many people that haven't had the Hep A shots. So just go get them!

Okay... weird rant over! We had a great new years and I hope you did too!

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