Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week 33: SNOW DAY!

Sleep: For some reason I discovered that sleeping without my snoogle, I sleep better! At least for now! I think I feel too confined... sleeping on the left side of Dan is the way I sleep the best, and only the left side. We took the best nap this week... 90 minutes of bliss. I can't remember the last time I had a nap!

Symptoms: My belly is feeling S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D! Little guy is physically stretching his little body out all the time and it's the weirdest feeling!  

Food Cravings: Juice, chocolate, Shephards's Pie... yup :) OH and pancakes... I've wanted chocolate chip pancakes for dayzzz now!

Food Aversions: Still can't think about taco seasoning, and for some reason eggs have sounded terrible this week. 

How Big the Little Guy is: A little over 4 pounds and 17 inches long, or the size of a pineapple!

The Size of My Belly: 42 inches!

What I Miss: I'm feeling my energy levels going down, so I miss my 2nd trimester energy! I'm so glad we got so much done to prepare for baby boy before this part of pregnancy kicked in-- the large and tired phase!

What I'm Loving: Obviously my new found way of sleeping. And naps. And juice. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: We had our parenting class that taught about reading babies cues/cries, and a pediatrician came in and talked to us about infant health for the second half of the class. I didn't love this pediatrician, but it's definitely made me interested in doing a meet and greet with the pediatrician we have been planning to see. Personality is such a big part of a doctor's care! And I need a pediatrician I can mesh with. So I'm looking forward to sorting that out. Also, I've got some baby showers on the calendar for next month!

Best Moment this Week: Due to the MASSIVE amount of snow over the last weekend, USU was CLOSED on Monday! I got a paid day off that wasn't a holiday! All of Dan's classes were cancelled, and so was his work. So we got an extra day! Twas so lovely. Pregnancy miracle I tell you! We went out to lunch with the Wouden clan, and then we got to watch the Nickelodeon movie, "Snow Day" on Netflix. 

Also, I have utterly refused to drive Dan's truck for over 2 years... I had a bad experience in Summer 2015 and just avoided driving a stick shift since! Well this week, I had no way to get out of it and had to drive Dan's truck the day after the massive snow storm-- I didn't kill it once, or kill myself, or kill anyone else! Quite a feat for a pregnant woman if I do say so myself. 

Words of Wisdom: So I did a bunch of research this week (okay I watched hours of YouTube videos) on natural birth! The best one's I found were through the Utah Birth Center on how to be a support birth partner. Here's the link: How to be a Great Birth Partner Part 1  There are 3 parts, but you can skip through the last part of Part 2! Also, I really loved this cute girls perspective and take: Natural Birth: How to Have a Baby With Out an Epidural

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