Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Wednesday, February 8th @ 1:30pm

Well this is the appointment I've been dreading! Where the quick and friendly appointments are over, and we get down to business and quite invasive.

Can I just first say how great nurses and/or medical assistants make the biggest difference? Our normal MA is super friendly and I love her! We had a different one today and I was so bummed. She was all business and no dilly dally. Oh well.

I got my strep B swab today which was just lovely... not. I also had my cervix checked and can I just say OUCH! I was so glad that Dan was at this appointment to help me try and relax a bit during the invasive checks. PS- shout out to Dan the Man for not missing a single appointment! I am so grateful he's been by my side through this whole process and so involved with our little guy already.

So anyways, the Doctor said I was "almost dilated to a 1, that he couldn't quite feel the head". I about died when I realized just how freaking far up he was checking up there if he was trying to find baby boys head. I mean for goodness sake! I was happy to hear my body was starting the process and that I was already about 10% through dilating without much pain or effort on my end! Every bit counts. I am definitely in NO rush to have this baby.

Can't wait for another 3-4 times of this! haha. Hopefully it won't be as painful and awkward as it becomes our weekly routine.

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