Thursday, February 23, 2017

Week 37: It Takes A Village

Sleep: This was weird week. I'd have a solid night of sleep, then 2 TERRIBLE nights of sleep, then repeat. I'm really hoping now that my sinus infection is gone, I can stock up on sleep as much as possible. If not, I've no shame in caving into benadryll anymore!

Symptoms: This week was the most overwhelmed I've felt so far this pregnancy. Probably due to sickness, lack of sleep, and my to-do list that I need to tackle. I was able to get a priesthood blessing from Dan and my brother-in-law Kyle this week and I just felt that I needed to relax, and let things work out, how they work out. I was ever so grateful for that and have been doing my best to chill... haha

Food Cravings: Meh, none. I just want to sleep more than eat!

Food Aversions: Meh, none. I've just been taking heartburn pills pretty regularly so I don't have to worry too much about if something will trigger that joyous feeling. 

How Big the Little Guy is: 6 1/3 pounds, and just over 19 inches! About the size of a bunch of swiss chard... whatever that means...

The Size of My Belly: Watermelon status from my perspective. I've officially mourned the loss of my belly button... I can't look at it because first of all there is almost nothing left to look at, and second, it freaks me out that my deep innie is started to stick out slightly...

What I Miss: Dan told me this week that he was going to miss my belly when it was gone! I was really surprised that he felt that way, but after thinking about it- I'm going to miss it a little too! It'll be really weird not have this little boy rolling around inside me! Also, maternity pants! What is an acceptable amount of time to keep wearing them after you have a baby? Because I can't imagine my life without them...

What I'm Loving: Modern medicine. Oh my heavens I'm so thankful that the antibiotics for my sinus infection had me feeling a night/day difference within 48 hours. I have to give a shout out to Dan this last week for waking him up countless times a night as I blew my nose, asked for my back to be rubbed, and other ridiculous things. He's been SO patient and SO great. I would say I owe him big time, but I am having his child... so I think we're even :)

What I'm Looking Forward To: This coming weekend is the first time in like 4 weeks where we haven't had our entire weekend booked solid, and I can't tell you how excited I am to be home and get ready for baby! I want to be a hermit and enjoy my final days in peace... haha.

Best Moment this Week: My sister-in-laws threw me a DARLING shower over the weekend and that was so nice! I again just can't say enough how much it takes a village to join the parenting club-- especially for your first kid. I told Dan that the first kid has got to be the hardest and once we have gone through this all once, it can't be that bad the second time. He said, "I can't even think about another kid right now..." haha! But seriously, we could never have done this without our village of family and friends!

Words of Wisdom: Also, with all the overwhelming things we've been trying to finish up-- getting a maternity massage this week was probably the best thing I've done this pregnancy! It was also probably the most painful massage I've had, thanks to my sciatic nerve :) She literally used elbow grease to work on my sciatic nerve, and it was great practice to use my relaxation/breathing techniques for labor haha!

And I'm really glad that I've kept a week by week journal so to say of this pregnancy-- I already feel like I've forgotten things and hopefully it'll give me a good insight for my next pregnancy as to what to expect, or a great way to tell how different they are!

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