Thursday, February 2, 2017

Week 34: Stuck on You

Sleep: I've been sleeping the best I have my whole pregnancy, and I don't know how/why that is, but I'm so thankful! One morning I woke up and Dan said I was snoring super bad the night before. He even recorded it because he knew I wouldn't believe him, I NEVER snore! But sure enough, loud and clear, I was snoring. Sure sign of excellent sleep I guess...

Symptoms: Apparently baby boy and I both have restless legs, because I just get kicked all day long. Again, not really a complaint, I love feeling him move. But it's definitely not a "flutter" kick, it's a "kicking your organs like punching bags kick". Dan has been really great at helping me with doing stretches and back exercises which I think has been helpful.  

Food Cravings: Well I bought 3 bottles of juice and have gone through 2 by myself in a week... so yeah. Also, Dan made me pancakes for dinner three times this week-- HEAVEN. I can't get enough of them.

Food Aversions: I don't know why, but the sound of eggs has been grossing me out lately! And I love eggs!

How Big the Little Guy is: 4 3/4 pounds and almost 18 inches long, or the size of a cantaloupe!

The Size of My Belly: About 42.5 inches and my poor belly button is so stretched it's almost closed!

What I Miss: I had a dream about eating a Jimmy John's turkey sandwich this week, so I'm really missing cold cut sandwiches!

What I'm Loving: Dan. Pancakes. And this Nike baby football outfit I found out Ross!

What I'm Looking Forward To: I looked over our ultrasound pictures again, for the first time in probably a couple months and it sort of hit me all over again that WE ARE HAVING A BABY! It's been 4 months almost since we've seen him, and that just seems WAY too long! I've just been watching my belly move like crazy and feeling him, but seeing his little profile and everything made me excited. We are also going to our last class at the hospital this weekend, Friday night + Saturday. So hopefully I'll be all sorts of prepared and come home with a list of things I'm supposed to pack in a hospital bag...

Best Moment this Week: Well we went to our breastfeeding class and that was enlightening! Over the weekend we drove up to Porcupine Dam just to see if the lake was frozen over and take a nice drive out in the country. It's one of my favorite drives. I told Dan he was in charge of planning a date, and this is what he picked. On our way up, we saw a GIANT bull elk on side of the road, I've never seen an elk that huge, it was so cool! We saw wild turkeys, and it was a nice sunny day so all the snow was sparkling. It was kind of magical. 

Of course, we're in Old Blue and Dan wants to drive up this super deep snowy road to see the reservoir. I was not in favor of this idea, knowing if we got stuck there was no cell phone service, and not much I could do to help get us out. Dan had all confidence in Old Blue and we made it up the hill to the top! BUT, as sort of a reflex, he pulled off the trail to park and look over... and we were STUCK. Luckily it was only like 3:00pm, so we would have a few hours of sunlight to figure out how in the heck we were getting out of there. It was CHILLY with the wind blowing, and I didn't bring gloves or anything. (me pretending I'm not cold, and that this is fun... haha!)

Luckily it only took us about 30 minutes to get out. But after about 25 minutes we were both starting to panic a little! Old Blue was overheating, and we had made no progress. But Dan is a genius and after lots of digging and using the floor mats to give the tires traction, we got out! 

Words of Wisdom: The best thing I've done this pregnancy is wear fake eyelashes every day. It makes me feel/look like I get way more ready than I do, and when I get home, I can just peel them off and I'm done taking my make up off! My sister-in-law gave me a bajillion boxes of eyelashes and the glue was like 3 dollars... you can't even get mascara that cheap, well that's decent anyway. I've loved it. I tried wearing mascara after Christmas and hated it. I think I've spoiled myself with this new habit... 

Also, I have started sitting on a ball at work to help strengthen my back/core and hopefully use during labor too... I'll have to report back in a few weeks on if it seems to help or not!

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