Thursday, February 9, 2017

Week 35: & 35 days!

Sleep: Good! Can't complain as long as Dan doesn't mind me sleeping on his side of the bed. It really is the weirdest thing that it's the only way I can sleep...

Symptoms: I saw a picture of myself not pregnant the other day, and I realized I can't remember what that really feels like... which is so weird! This has been my body for 9 months and even though it's gone so fast, I think it's going to be weird to adjust to a not pregnant body. 

Food Cravings: Chocolate chip pancakes, all day every day. 

Food Aversions: Still can't really handle eggs... sad day.

How Big the Little Guy is: 5 1/4 pounds and over 18 inches long, or the size of a honeydew melon!

The Size of My Belly: Didn't measure this week, but I have never felt my stomach so tight! This kid is YUGE! There's no room left it feels!

What I Miss: Dan brought home some sushi from Smith's and ate it in front of me the other night... little punk! I'm ready to be able to eat what I want!

What I'm Loving: Quiet time after I get home from work. I am realizing more and more that I'm an ambivert, a combination of introvert + extrovert. Work is great and fun! I am one of ten women that work in our building, and there is about 400 people that work for Facilities. So all the guys at work are getting excited for me and like to tease me about all kinds of things about labor, parenthood, having a boy, etc. It's really fun and I'm really grateful everyone is so supportive! But when I get home at 4:30 after 8 hours at work, I am so ready for some quiet, me time where I get to work on things I want to, or just relax. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: I've got a baby shower this Saturday which will be fun! Also, Dan and I got some maternity pics this week. I was always the person that never thought I'd get those, but I started thinking of more reasons to get them, than not to. So we got some! It'll be interesting to see if I'm happy I decided to get them. Also, I'm finally starting to get curious about what are little guy is going to look like! I have been pretty content with him being in my tummy, but I'm starting to feel more excited to meet him.

Best Moment this Week: We are done with our baby classes at the hospital! We spent NINE hours his past weekend doing our crash course. Overall, I'm happy we took the classes, and I learned something in every class we took. However, I feel like they could definitely use a revamping, I don't think we watched a video clip newer than 1980... but I did get this picture of Dan wearing the empathy bell which was pretty great :)

Words of Wisdom: I think working has actually been really great for me! It's helped the time pass, and as much as I want to only be working 20 hours a week instead of 40, it keeps me up and moving and being productive! I hope I still feel this way in a few weeks, but for now, I'm just so grateful I've felt well enough to work!

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