Thursday, February 16, 2017

Week 36: Wild Thing, You Make My Heart Sing!

Sleep: Well thanks to a rotten cold, I've been waking up for about an hour every night because I can't breath... which leads me to being awake so long I feel hungry... which leads to consuming a Costco muffin :) 

Symptoms: Pressure... bulging belly... belly dancing. I feel like the whole "baby dropping" thing is making more sense because I'm feeling that! Which is exciting!

Food Cravings: Hmm... I don't think I've had any this week! I've just been drinking more water than I ever have in my life!

Food Aversions: Meh I can't taste and smell with this dang nose all plugged up, so I've been more bored with food this week. 

How Big the Little Guy is: Almost 6 pounds and more than 18 1/2 inches! About the size of a head of romaine lettuce... that sounds really big!

The Size of My Belly: Ginormous. 43 inches now.

What I Miss: Not being sick! I started feeling crummy at the end of week 35, and it really hit on Sunday. I'm glad I've just had the strength and energy to keep going to work even with not feeling great.

What I'm Loving: Kindness. I have been so emotional and overwhelmed by the generosity of so many people. This last week has reminded me that this baby is going to not only have what he needs, but be so loved and supported by so many. And that is a huge burden and relief off my shoulders!

What I'm Looking Forward To: The Wouden Family baby shower is this Saturday which will be a grand old time! Also, I HAVE MONDAY OFF WORK! WAHOO! I have a mile long list of all the things I want/need to do to keep getting ready for this baby! Like packing a hospital bag would probably be a good idea at this point...

Best Moment this Week: BABY SHOWER! VALENTINE'S DAY! 
These ladies all played a monumental part in throwing me the cutest freaking "Wild Thing" shower I could have ever imagined! I'm so thankful for all they did!

My friend Kylie is have a baby in July! She and her mother Brenda were SO KIND and hosted the shower and I can never repay them for all they did!

Dan and I spent Valentine's Night sipping down a Cold Buster from Jamba Juice and watching "The Arrival"

Words of Wisdom: I know this isn't for every husband, but I LOVED having Dan at my baby shower this week! It was so fun having him there talking to all these ladies and joining in on the celebration! I feel like sometimes too much emphasis is put on the mom and baby, and I felt like this was another way to involve Dan in the whole process of bringing this little guy in the family!

Also, we went and had a meet and greet with our pediatrician this last week and I'd highly recommend it! It was a quick appointment, but long enough that we got to know his personality and ask him a list of questions we had. It was just one less unknown factor for me in this whole process and I feel at ease knowing who will be taking care of our little guy!

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